Work Lights And Trouble Lights For Green Mechanics

Light emitting diodes, known as LEDs, are electronic light sources and are far more efficient than traditional light bulbs which use burning filaments to produce light. Incandescent bulbs waste 90% of the electricity they burn by generating heat – not light. In fact, state-of-the-art LEDs offer up to 6 times the amount of light as a conventional incandescent bulb using the same amount of electricity… and the efficiency of these new lighting devices keeps on improving. Fluorescent bulbs are more efficient than incandescent as well, but they contain mercury, a toxic material that pollutes our landfills. Both incandescent and fluorescent bulbs are fragile – they break easily and compared to LEDs, and they have a short life. Many jurisdictions are banning incandescent bulbs in 2012, and many municipalities are running test programs using LEDs in such areas as underground, bus shelter and even in street lighting. LEDs are quickly replacing incandescent and fluorescent bulbs in many applications because they are bright, they don’t break, they don’t get hot, they are eco-friendly and they typically last for more than 50,000 hr.

LED lighting tools that are used by tradesmen such as automotive, aircraft and industrial mechanics and technicians. According to a flashlight company spokesman, “the benefits of using LEDs as a light source are numerous. First, the diodes run for 50,000 hours or more, so they never wear out. Second, because the LED is so tough, in fact almost unbreakable, you can drop the flashlight or the work light without damaging the light. The tradesmen using an LED light really appreciate the this feature. Third, the LED has become so efficient that a mechanic can use a battery powered LED light, for several hours before it needs to be recharged, or the batteries replaced. And as another benefit, since the light is battery powered, there is no need for a power cord, and dragging a power cord around a crowded work area has always been a headache for most tradesmen.”

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